9 research outputs found

    Quality Issues in Interview Surveys – Some Contributions

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    Cet article est l’introduction d’une thèse avec le même titre (fait au Départment de Statistique de l’université de Stockholm) et qui s’adresse à des problèmes associés avec la qualité des enquêtes par entretiens. L’intervieweur a plusieurs taches à accomplir et ils peuvent souvent commetre des erreurs. L’auteur présente quelques thèmes généraux ainsi que leur traitement habituel. Elle suggère ensuite des approches nouvelles et des idées pour des recherches futures sur la question de coopération dans les enquêtes et d’accomplir correctement l’entretien avec un répondant. Elle examine aussi certaines procédures pour la réduction des non-réponses en termes de coûts et de réduction d’erreurs.This article is the introduction to a thesis with the same title (done at the Department of Statistics of the University of Stockholm) which deals with some of the issues associated with the quality in interview surveys. The interviewer has many tasks, and some of them are extremely error-prone. The author describes some general themes and how these are usually handled. She also suggests some new approaches and ideas for further work, both when it comes to gaining cooperation and when it comes to doing a good job in administering the question-answer process. She also evaluates a specific procedure to reduce nonresponse errors in interview surveys in terms of costs and error reduction

    What's so special about cross-national surveys?

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    Das Kernproblem internationaler Querschnittstudien ist das Problem der Vergleichbarkeit. Hier setzt der Beitrag an. Nachdem einleitend Beispiele fĂĽr international vergleichende Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt worden sind, behandelt der Beitrag typische Aspekte des Forschungsdesigns bei Querschnittstudien, Fragen der Planung und Organisation der Datengewinnung, den Einfluss unterschiedlicher nationaler Rahmenbedingungen, die Bedeutung kultureller Faktoren, Aspekte der Standardisierung, die Umsetzung des Forschungsdesigns sowie Datenanalyse und Berichterstattung ĂĽber die Ergebnisse. Die Verfasser betonen abschlieĂźend die Notwendigkeit, sich ĂĽber die idealen Designeigenschaften international vergleichender Untersuchungen klar zu werden, den Einfluss dieser Eigenschaften auf die Forschungsergebnisse zu kennen und Grundlagen eines stabil und vorhersehbar ablaufenden Forschungsprozesses zu schaffen. (ICE

    AAPOR Report on Big Data

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    In recent years we have seen an increase in the amount of statistics in society describing different phenomena based on so called Big Data. The term Big Data is used for a variety of data as explained in the report, many of them characterized not just by their large volume, but also by their variety and velocity, the organic way in which they are created, and the new types of processes needed to analyze them and make inference from them. The change in the nature of the new types of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, and disseminated are fundamental. The change constitutes a paradigm shift for survey research.There is a great potential in Big Data but there are some fundamental challenges that have to be resolved before its full potential can be realized. In this report we give examples of different types of Big Data and their potential for survey research. We also describe the Big Data process and discuss its main challenges

    Big Data Meets Survey Science

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    L'etude comparee du communisme en Europe occidentale

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    Available from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : AR 15853 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEMinistere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, 75 - Paris (France)FRFranc

    Exploring new statistical frontiers at the intersection of survey science and big data: convergence at "BigSurv18"

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    Held in October 2018, The Big Data Meets Survey Science conference, also known as "BigSurv18," provided a first-of-its-kind opportunity for survey researchers, statisticians, computer scientists, and data scientists to convene under the same roof. At this conference, scientists from multiple disciplines were able to exchange ideas about their work might influence and enhance the work of others. This was a landmark event, especially for survey researchers and statisticians, whose industry has been buffeted of late by falling response rates and rising costs at the same time as a proliferation of new tools and techniques, coupled with increasing availability of data, has resulted in "Big Data" approaches to describing and modelling human behavio